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First degree burn treatment

Abnormal exposure to temperature causes skin damage. Minor burns are usually described as first-degree burns. Follow the treatment steps below, which are based on NHS recommendations:

Graphical representation of a running tap to illustrate the cooling with running water as a wound treatment step in the Leukoplast wound care advisor.

1. Cool the burn:

“Cool the burn with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 minutes as soon as possible after the injury.” 1
Graphic representation of a magnifying glass with an exclamation mark as a symbol for the strict observance of hygiene rules during wound treatment.


“Never use ice, iced water, or any creams or greasy substances like butter.” 1 Do not break the blisters! This is likely to contaminate the wound.
Graphical representation of hand washing as a wound treatment step in the Leukoplast wound care advisor.

3. If you are an assisting person: Wash your hands!

Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
Graphic representation of a hand applying a wound dressing to another wrist to symbolize covering the wound as a treatment step.

4. Cover the burn:

Protect the wound using a clean bandage.

When to seek medical advice

Only minor burns such as hand or finger burns should be treated at home and by cooling. A visit to the doctor is necessary, if:

  • the burn is larger than the victim’s hand.
  • the victim is pregnant, a child or an elderly person.
  • the victim suffers a shock.
  • the burn is caused by chemicals, electricity or radioactivity.

When in doubt, see a medical expert

Many common wounds can be dealt with at home. But when should a doctor be consulted? Scroll down for more information!

Pictogram showing a medical expert.

Expert wound care for minor burns

Leukomed® T

Sterile dressing for superficial and surgical wounds, and for fixing dressings.

Leukomed® T skin sensitive

Film to secure wound dressings on sensitive or compromised skin.